PLUSH Vodka recently celebrated its 1 year anniversary at the Renaissance Hotel in Midtown Manhattan. The event brought loyal customers and patrons to the hotel who have at some point in the last year tasted the sophistication of this new spirit and wanted to come out to show their support. The success of PLUSH Vodka in an already crowded alcohol market once again demonstrates the upward trajectory in both sales and loyalty of this new liquor brand; and The “Sophistication” event at the Renaissance was our way to show our customers that we appreciate them and know we would not have made it this far without them–which was also why, at this event, there was no entry fee and PLUSH supplied the drinks at no charge.
This event was more than just an opportunity for people to come out and get another taste of sophistication. The event featured performances by:
Yanelli Lamour — Up and coming singer and violinist from the Bronx, NY who gave a sophisticated violin performance making the entire event stop what they were doing and pull out their phones to get the spectacular performance on video.
Gordon Chambers — Grammy nominated songwriter and artist who performed a song written about PLUSH Vodka and the Taste ofSophistication.
PLUSH also featured products from our sponsors including:
Sweetz by Sadia — Sadia creates cupcakes infused with PLUSH Vodka and set up a cupcake table at the event where people were able to try these delicious “sweetz”.
Corey Woods — Corey graciously donated 100 of his high-end brand sunglasses, “Yeroc”, to be given away at the event.
D Leaks — D is a celebrity stylist who launched his own luxury bow tie line.
PLUSH greatly appreciates the love and support shown from our above mentioned sponsors and performers who truly made the event one to remember. And while we can’t say it enough, a very heartfelt “Thank You” goes out to our customers who have shown us that a great product with a brand message that continues to evolve can truly stand the test of time even in the most crowded of markets.
We look forward to further expanding our reach as 2017 comes to an end with great excitement for what 2018 will have to offer as we continue to redefine the “spirit” of the liquor industry.
Here’s to you, our customers, our sponsors, our ambassadors, and PLUSH Vodka — The Taste of Sophistication.