Second Chance follows the story of a Jamaican Rastafarian named David, a recent college graduate, searching for a job in corporate America. Unfortunately, he is faced with religious discrimination at every turn. Frustrated, and uncertain what to do next, he allows himself to be influenced by his friends and their lifestyle and takes a wrong turn that leads to trouble. Call it luck or fate, David is given a second chance to make good with his life.
Spragga Benz was recently quoted in the Jamaican Observer as saying “The moment I read the script, I began to think about thousands of people around the world who may have given up on life. This movie could teach them a lot.”
“Jamaican youths, just listen, even if you have done wrong, you can make positive changes to your lives, if you so desire. If you know you are guilty and should end up behind bars, give thanks for the opportunity to be alive and change your life,” he continued.
The film, which was directed by Jamaican born filmmaker and producer Cleon James, stars Spragga Benz, Jhonn de La Puente, Merlisa Determined, Jodi Covington, John Smith, Tony Matterhorn, and Supa Twitch. Second Chance was produced by Top Notch Vision Films & Red Square Productions and edited by Ken Almquist.
Second Chance will premiere in Brooklyn, New York on Saturday, May 14 at the Linden Boulevard Multiplex Cinemas – 2784 Linden Blvd., Brooklyn, NY 11208.
Red Carpet time is 7 pm and Show time is 8 pm. Tickets can be purchased at the movie theatre or via Eventbrite at Second Chance Movie – 8:00PM Show Tickets, Sat, May 14, 2022 at 8:00 PM | Eventbrite