There are many words to describe the woman who is Garnett Phillip: mom. wife, The Rum Girl, bar and restaurant owner, fashion designer, but the best one to describe it all is entrepreneur. Born into an Ethiopian-Trinidadian heritage, there are many traits that are second nature to Garnett, her force within her that drives her forward each day, her passions, her traditions, and family values are all entrenched in her upbringing and evolution.
Garnett Phillip is a brand. She is an enthusiastic powerhouse of an individual whose straight talking, progressive business strategies have allowed her to tap into the cultures she grew up in, align with the communities around her, and create successful businesses that encapsulate it all. She radiates good energy, and her vibe is what attracts people to her. The Brooklyn native has over 20 years of hospitality experience, encapsulating everything we have come to idealize about the “American Dream,” the idea that no matter who you are, where you are from, America is a place where you can make it, you can be accepted, and you will thrive. Garnett has taken this philosophy and soared, and she persistently strives to educate people about the past and tradition of rum, a unique niche.
Passion is at the center of everything she does. Whether that is whiling about her time, creating incredible rum concoctions at The Rogers Garden for her customers to enjoy; cultivating flavor combinations that will drive her customers wild and coming back for more, renovating her new venture, The Rum Bar, or talking about all things Rum and more on her YouTube series Rum Talks where she gets to explore the world of rum in the comfort of Rogers Garden and truly create the magic that the customers keep coming back for repeatedly. This educational series focuses on the cultural background of various rums and the beauty of entrepreneurship. This is a project that encompasses everything that Garnett is about! Good energy and rum!
Her vision is now captured on her new website which radiates her vibe and outlines all her ventures along with consulting services to assist established and new businesses with the rum world. For more information, visit GarnettPhillip.com.