When me and my team reviewed our inaugural Mother’s Day Luncheon held at the Garden City Casino on Sunday, May 14, we were all overcome with a sense of achievement, and quite honestly a sense of pride, why? Because we all knew that we had broken a barrier! We dared to introduce health and fitness advice, and information from medical professionals at a party, we actually created a conversation; in recent times our culture has consistently resisted too many attempts to be informed or motivated by anyone. I recall a recent event where a dear friend of mine, (a medical professional) was shouted down at a party when she was introduced and asked to say a few words. This happens far too often in a community that needs more information than most – go figure! So conventional wisdom would very quickly discourage any attempt to mix in critically important information at a party, fearing that it would “kill the vibes!”
We at WhereItzAt believe differently, we’ve always gone against the grain, and will continue to do so in the interest of uplifting our audience, we provide ‘Edutainment,’ we party for a purpose, and that purpose is to empower our community. We have developed a formula that is designed to optimize the time spent with each other, (because time lost can never be regained) so we are committed to Edutain you whenever we meet. This note is also a tribute to the local businesses who are community partners in our progress and upliftment, as well as our health professionals; thank you Dr. Marlene Reynolds-Cox, DDS, Dr. Maurice Hinson, MD, Nurse Mary Ann Fable, Ms. Khallela Barracks, medical student, and fitness coach Garth Lee from Flowers Physical Therapy.
A part of the proceeds from this event went to the Union of Jamaica Alumni Association – (UJAA) and The Garvey School, in the Bronx.
We encourage you to support the businesses listed here, who are our partners in community development: