It was the philosopher, Heraclitus of Ephesus who said, “Man like a light in the night, is kindled and put out.” Right smack in the buzz and excitement of the holiday season, several families lost the “Lights” in their lives. This is particularly sorrowful because these Lights glowed so bright and powerful in the lives of others, that this Christmas and New Year’s Eve, (for many of us) will lose some of its glow.
Gil Bailey has lost a wife, friend, partner and soulmate. Flo Harrison has lost a husband, friend, partner and soulmate. The impact of their passing is truly, profound, I am not even aware that they knew each other, but I knew both of them well and their lives have now intersected at the point where the Love, Respect, Friendship and Joy they shared with us is their enduring legacies.
Ellen Patricia Bailey was the hardest working entrepreneur I knew, our paths would cross as we called on our respective clients and I grew to admire this confident, enterprising but humble woman who worked tirelessly alongside her husband to build an outstanding media enterprise.
My friend Lloyd C. Harrison aka “Dirty Harry,” or “Junior,” had an easy going but larger than life personality because of his open and disarming smile and gregarious personality. Harry personified a quiet dignity and social style that stayed with him to the very end. His success and dedication to his career, family and friends fueled his love for life and zest for living, one could only love Harry. The fact that he attended Calabar High School while I was there might have helped; but seriously, it’s his incredible wife Flo and his two amazing children that made a difference in his life.
To Gil Bailey and Pat’s family as well as Flo’s and Harry’s family, be assured that our thoughts and prayers will remain constantly with you, even when the pain subsides and the memories begin to wane; as R.W. Emerson so wisely said, “What lies behind us and what lies before us, is nothing compared to what lies within us.” Safely, within our hearts, we will hold them dear.