- Does she have world experience?
- Has she travelled the world?
- Has she served her country with distinction?
- Does she have the respect of foreign leaders all over the world?
- Does she have great communication skills?
- Has she been a successful Senator?
- Does she have experience in the White House?
- Does she understand how government works?
- Did she serve her constituents in New York with distinction after 911?
- Did she begin her career in public service helping the poor?
- Has she proven to be an outstanding advocate for women’s rights?
- Did she handle her husband’s infidelity with dignity and restraint?
- Can she debate, or what?
- Is she smart, resilient and tough?
- Does she ever give up?
- Did she convince Bernie to join her campaign?
- Did she put aside her bitter loss to Barack Obama and work for this country?
- Has she demonstrated the stamina necessary for this job?
- Is she human?
- Is she imperfect?
- In his 70 years what has he done for our country?
- What experience does he have in public service?
- Has he ever volunteered to serve his country?
- Why did he have multiple bankruptcies?
- Why did he call Mexican criminals and rapists?
- Why does he mock the disabled?
- Why did he say he could stand on 5th Ave shoot someone and it wouldn’t affect his support?
- Why does he refer to Black people as “The Blacks?”
- Why did he ask for the execution of the Central Park 5 even though they were proven innocent?
- Why did he say if Black Lives Matter, then go back to Africa and see how much they matter there?
- Has he embraced Alt-Right groups?
- Has he openly rejected the Klan?
- Do world leaders respect him?
- What’s his fascination with Putin
- Who are his investment partners in Russia?
- Who does he owe money to in China?
- How will his corporation benefit if he serves as president?
- Will we ever see his tax returns?
- Will he make America great again by making his products overseas?
- Who is he? Is he a Manchurian Candidate?